Working with Formulas and Functions in Excel

Working with Formulas and Functions

Introduction to Formulas and Functions 

Formulas and functions in Excel are tools that allows you to perform calculations, analyze data, and manipulate text with ease. Mastering formulas and functions is key to unlocking Excel’s full potential.


Creating Basic Formulas

Formulas in Excel are mathematical expressions that allow you to perform calculations using the data in your cells. Here are some basic arithmetic operations:

  • SUM: Adds values together. For example, =SUM(A1:A5) adds all the values in cells A1 through A5.
  • SUBTRACT: Subtracts one value from another. For example, =A1-B1 subtracts the value in B1 from A1.
  • MULTIPLY: Multiplies values. For example, =A1*B1 multiplies the value in A1 by B1.
  • DIVIDE: Divides one value by another. For example, =A1/B1 divides the value in A1 by B1.

Formulas always begin with an equals sign (=), followed by the expression you want to calculate.

Understanding Cell References

Cell references are the way you refer to specific cells in your formulas. There are three types of cell references in Excel:

  • Relative References: These adjust when you copy a formula to another cell. For example, if you copy the formula =A1+B1 from cell C1 to C2, it will automatically change to =A2+B2.
  • Absolute References: These remain constant, no matter where you copy the formula. To make a cell reference absolute, use the $ symbol (e.g., $A$1). If you copy =$A$1+B1 from C1 to C2, it will change to =$A$1+B2.
  • Mixed References: These lock either the row or column while the other adjusts. For example, in the reference A$1, the row is fixed, but the column can change.

Common Functions


  • SUM: Adds a range of numbers. Example: =SUM(A1:A10) adds all values in cells A1 through A10.
  • AVERAGE: Calculates the average of a range of numbers. Example: =AVERAGE(A1:A10) returns the average value.
  • COUNT: Counts the number of numeric values in a range. Example: =COUNT(A1:A10) counts how many of the cells in A1 through A10 contain numbers.
  • MIN: Finds the smallest value in a range. Example: =MIN(A1:A10) returns the smallest value.
  • MAX: Finds the largest value in a range. Example: =MAX(A1:A10) returns the largest value.

Understanding and Using Logical Functions

Logical functions allow you to perform actions based on whether certain conditions are true or false.

  • IF: Returns one value if a condition is true and another if it is false. Example: =IF(A1>10, “Yes”, “No”) returns “Yes” if A1 is greater than 10, otherwise “No”.
  • AND: Returns TRUE if all the conditions are true. Example: =AND(A1>10, B1<5) returns TRUE if both conditions are met.
  • OR: Returns TRUE if any of the conditions are true. Example: =OR(A1>10, B1<5) returns TRUE if either condition is met.
  • NOT: Reverses the result of a logical test. Example: =NOT(A1>10) returns TRUE if A1 is not greater than 10.

Date and Time Functions

  • TODAY: Returns the current date. Example: =TODAY() returns today’s date.
  • NOW: Returns the current date and time. Example: =NOW() returns the current date and time.
  • DAY, MONTH, YEAR: Extracts the day, month, or year from a date. Example: =DAY(A1) returns the day of the date in cell A1.

Text Functions


  • CONCATENATE: Joins two or more text strings into one. Example: =CONCATENATE(A1, ” “, B1) combines the contents of A1 and B1 with a space in between.
  • LEFT: Extracts a specified number of characters from the start of a text string. Example: =LEFT(A1, 5) returns the first five characters of the text in A1.
  • RIGHT: Extracts a specified number of characters from the end of a text string. Example: =RIGHT(A1, 3) returns the last three characters of the text in A1.
  • MID: Extracts characters from the middle of a text string, starting at a specified position. Example: =MID(A1, 2, 4) returns four characters from A1, starting at the second character.


  • UPPER: Converts text to uppercase. Example: =UPPER(A1) changes the text in A1 to all capital letters.
  • LOWER: Converts text to lowercase. Example: =LOWER(A1) changes the text in A1 to all lowercase letters.
  • PROPER: Capitalizes the first letter of each word. Example: =PROPER(A1) capitalizes the first letter of each word in the text in A1.
  • TRIM: Removes extra spaces from a text string, leaving only single spaces between words. Example: =TRIM(A1) removes any leading, trailing, or extra spaces in A1.


  • FIND: Returns the position of a specific character or substring within a text string (case-sensitive). Example: =FIND(“a”, A1) returns the position of the first occurrence of “a” in A1.
  • SEARCH: Similar to FIND but not case-sensitive. Example: =SEARCH(“a”, A1) returns the position of “a” in A1, regardless of case.
  • REPLACE: Replaces part of a text string with a different text string. Example: =REPLACE(A1, 1, 3, “New”) replaces the first three characters of A1 with “New”.


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